WYLDE Moonboard March 2023

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As ever, I’ve been hunter-gathering for the March WYLDE Moonboard…

…and this month, all my inspiration has come from the spring-like explosion of colour blooming all around. I literally can’t get enough of being outside right now – whether it’s for a woodland walk or filling the flower beds in the back garden. Typically, this burst of warmth and brightness will doubtless be blighted by icy blasts and rain, but with any luck from now on in, they will be short-lived and disappear along with our need for winter thermals!

Home Skies

How’s this for a dawn spring sky…glowing pink clouds appearing to gallop through blue skies…a misty trail hovers over the field below. I grew up under Sussex skies…but don’t ever remember them being as beautiful as this. There’s no place like home…

‘Robins appear when loved ones are near’

As I’m writing up the captions for all these life snippets I’ve captured recently, you’ll be forgiven for thinking I’m feeling a little spiritual. At some point in my childhood, someone told me that the presence of a Robin is believed to be connected to someone we’ve loved and lost, and I’ve never forgotten that. There’s something so comforting for me personally when one appears, so when this little chap landed on the window frame, I took a lovely moment to pause and remember.

A mum making poems and sketches – @murphys_sketches

Kerri’s words, colours, images and sentiments always raise a smile – so a big shout out for that!

Capturing Mama Moon

If only I could find a way to take a decent photo of the moon! If you could only see how many tried and failed attempts are currently clogging up the memory on my phone, you’d be forgiven for thinking I’ve got issues. Any and all advice welcome!

Am I OAK-kay?

I had a double take moment when I pulled up at my sister’s house recently. There I was, sat in my car finishing up a phone call, when I noticed a tree winking and pouting at me. I know…I know…it’s bonkers…but surely you see it too? He’s even got twiggy eyelashes on the left eye…ZOOM IN!

Spring is in the Air

Mother Nature has shed her winter coat and she’s donning some colour! Snowdrops cover the forest floor; out of nowhere the Camelia buds are starting to unfurl into vibrant blooms; Crocuses are popping up wherever they can find space and there’s even some early blossom on the trees!

This time last year…Pop-up WYLDE Boutique at the ENO

I know you should look forward, not back, but I can’t help reminiscing and often look at my diary to see what I was up to this time last year, or the year before etc. Following our collaboration with the ENGLISH NATIONAL OPERA for the launch of our (borrowed from) The Wild Eau de Parfum, WYLDE MOON opened its first pop-up WYLDE Boutique in the ENO Shop in London. Looking at these photos brings back so many wonderful memories.

Green-fingers at the ready

Chelsea Flower Show – here I come! 😉

Springtime Bailey

When you think of spring, you think of leaping farmyard babies…I have leaping springtime Bailey. She loves it! And we love a ‘Public Footpath’ sign. Hurrah for this green and pleasant land.

“Verity” By Colleen Hoover

Our little WYLDE Library is a little bit wonderful isn’t it!! The last time I posted one of my book recommendations, I was inundated with all your favourites – and one in particular got mentioned again and again. So, I read it…in under a week, which for me is super- fast because I’m the slowest reader. The reason I read it so fast was because it stressed me out so badly I wanted it to be over and out of my life – and I mean that in a really good way! It’s a psychological thriller that keeps you guessing! Moving on to Colleen Hoover’s ‘It Ends With Us’ next!

“Daffodils – For You” By Anisha Minocha

There’s nothing quite like being moved by a poem, and only wish I could write as poignantly. Poetry is so often inspired by the world around us and how it changes with the seasons and this wonderful poem by Anisha Minocha is the third-prize winner of Finding Peace, a writing challenge on Poetry Society’s Young Poets Network in 2022. It is so lovely to see up-and-coming young poets being guided and nurtured in this beautiful art.


Sometimes less is more and that sums up the work of Andhika Ramadhian. Since stumbling across his work, I literally can’t stop watching his moon art. Andhika is a multi-talented graphic designer based in Indonesia, who says he “enjoys creating good looking stuff,” and that’s exactly what he does! Enjoy! 🌕 

Whilst WYLDE MOON consults with experts, no advice should replace that of your registered doctor. As such, the information we publish is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider for any medical conditions, and never disregard professional medical advice because of information you have read from WYLDE MOON.

By participating in programs such as the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program WYLDE MOON may make affiliate revenue if you buy a recommended product, but we only recommend the absolute best in the eyes of our experts.

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