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A Full Moon can often feel like an energy peak; like the crest of a cosmic energy wave which has been rolling and building throughout the lunar month. Taking part in a Full Moon Ritual can help you realign with the rhythm of the universe and rebalance. Think of a Full Moon like a lunar sigh; a cosmic wave breaking and releasing all the energy it has gathered.
Join us for a ritual to help you to reconnect with yourself, recharge and let go of anything that isn’t serving you anymore, ready to start a fresh lunar month.
For some inspiration, here’s how Holly embraces the energy of a Full Moon:
Step 1: Cleanse
The Full Moon is the perfect time to cleanse every aspect of your life, both mentally and physically. Cleanse your body, your mind and your space, ridding yourself any negative energy that may have attached itself to you.
Step 2: Charge your crystals
The Full Moon’s energy is powerful and cleansing, making it the perfect time to rid your crystals of any lingering bad energy and re-charge them ready to support you anew.
Lay them out under the light of the moon – whether inside on a windowsill, or outside under the night sky – and let all that glorious lunar energy work its magic.

Step 3: Submerge yourself in water
As the moon’s gravitational pull governs the oceans, it is said that submerging yourself in water on a Full Moon is the perfect time to absorb her powerful energy. Whether you go for a swim, take a bath or a shower, imagine your body absorbing the restorative energy via the water and allow negative emotions to float and drain away.
If you’re in your bathroom, lighting a candle and using essential oils can create a relaxing, sacred space to enhance your experience.

Step 4: Release
Take the time to write down a list of things that no longer serve you in life and under the Full Moon, express out loud that you release them. Thank them for their service and let them know that they are free to move on and out of your life.
Step 5: Manifest
The Full Moon is no time to start new projects, but it makes for a fantastic time to clear your mind and clarify what you want to invite into your life. Cultivate self-love and work on shifting into a positive mindset of abundance, whilst not forgetting to practice gratitude for everything that’s good for you right now.
What NOT to do on a Full Moon
The 3 things to remember not to do on a full Moon are simple
1. Don’t start something new.
2. Don’t overreact to situations.
3. Don’t make any rash decisions
All three of these can wait for another day…sleep on it…
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