This ‘Letting Go’ ritual can help you to move forward

2 Oct, 2023 | Healing

5 Minute Read

Words by WYLDE MOON staff writer

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With it being the start of a new month, a new season and even a new lunar cycle, perhaps now is a good time to let go of anything you feel has been holding you back. If there is something you feel you need to release in order to move forward with renewed energy, try this beautiful and symbolic ritual.

1. Find a safe and suitable location…

Choose an outdoor space if you’re using a bonfire, or an indoor space with proper ventilation if you’re using a candle or smudge pot. Ensure that you have a fire-safe bowl or container to hold the flames or ashes.

2. Prepare your materials…

Get a small piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Take a moment to reflect on what you would like to release or let go of. It could be a negative thought pattern, a habit, a past experience, or anything that no longer serves you.

3. Write down your intention…

On the piece of paper, write down what you want to release or let go of. Be specific and clear in your words. This process can be cathartic and help bring clarity to your intentions.

4. Hold the paper in your hands…

Take a moment to hold the paper in your hands. Feel the weight of what have written and acknowledge its presence in your life. Recognise any lessons or growth it may have brought you, and express gratitude for the role it has played.

5. Release and let go…

When you feel ready, say a heartfelt goodbye to what you’ve written on the paper. Express that you no longer need it and that it’s time to move forward. Then, either place the paper in the fire or use the flame from your candle to ignite it. Exercise caution and ensure safety while handling fire and ensure that you have a fire-safe bowl or container to hold the flames or ashes.

6. Observe the transformation…

Watch as the paper burns and transforms into ashes. Notice the smoke rising and carrying away your intention. As you witness this transformation, express gratitude for the space it creates in your life for new experiences, growth, and positivity.

7. Closing the ritual…

Once the paper has turned into ashes, let them cool down. You can later bury the ashes or scatter them outside as a symbolic act of returning the released energy back to the Earth.

Remember, rituals like these hold personal significance and can be tailored to your own individual beliefs and preferences. Feel free to adapt or modify the steps to align with your intentions and the resources available to you.

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