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Holly's review:
"Her poetry is so just so beautiful and really do come to life when she reads them herself, so make sure to check her @imeldaofficial instagram out to feel the full effect."

Reader review:
"Oh man, Nikita Gill's poems never cease to amaze me. Soulful, lyrical and touching. Some of them almost made me tear up. It inspires me to keep going and never give up on my dreams no matter how many times I stumbled. *sighs* Just beautiful."
Reader review:
"I bought this book after suffering the unexpected loss of my son. The poems are short and simple and have helped me with my grief. Donna's words touch your soul deeply and wrap your heart in warmth and comfort. I have since bought this book 4 times to give to friends, and I donated one to my local support group for bereaved parents 'The Compassionate Friends'. We now include one of Donna's poems to read in our monthly group meeting."
Reader review:
"Inspiring, uplifting… these oft-used words aren’t enough to describe the depth of feeling and understanding these poems provide."

Holly's review:
"I came across @donnaashworthwords and absolutely love her heartfelt, relatable writing. Sometimes it’s hard to know how to express our feelings, but somehow she manages to capture the emotions we feel so perfectly." 

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