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Personal Development

The Mountain Is You book cover Brianna West
Reader review: “I have a couple of Donna’s books now and they are something else. So beautifully written and she seems to capture the essence of a feeling in words like no one else. Perfect for moments of reflection.”
The Mountain Is You book cover Brianna West
Reader review: “An inspirational story by a 102 year old containing the secrets of living life by feeling alive. Find your juice! Please read.”
The Mountain Is You book cover Brianna West
Reader review:
“I never had a book that I felt related to me in each and every aspect of my life. To know how self sabotaging can be dealt with gives me hope and the extra push to let go of my past self, or metaphorical ‘mountain ‘ that seems to be the ruler of my life.” 
The Mountain Is You book cover Brianna West

Reader review:
“The author has broken down the challenges we all face covering first “Mindset” – the way we think and feel about ourselves, and then he takes us though to “Method” – how we can get to where we want to be both physically and mentally. Written in a honest, friendly, non-preaching manner, the author uses his experience and case studies to help us understand how we can achieve our goals. I’ve read this book from cover to cover and it’s one I’ll be keeping close to hand so that I can dip in and out of the different sections on a regular basis to help keep me on track.”

Reader review:
“Even at the age of 58 I am always learning new things, and this guy never fails to open my eyes. I’ve been married for 35 years and I recommend everyone reads this book – even if you’re single.”

Reader review: “I came across his books quite by chance. His story of his battle through mental health issues touched me greatly. These books are illustrated and written so beautifully. Little sayings snd words of comfort that to help you through the day.”

Reader review:
“Mindfulness, but not as you know it. This wonderfully charming, funny story demonstrates the writers relationship with an uninvited imaginary friend in the form of a cheeky, flame haired, chocolate cake eating child. The story guides you through the practice of mindfulness in an easily readable accessible non-textbook way. While delighting and laughing at the story you’ll learn all about mindfulness practice, including concepts such as judgement and acceptance, without even realising that’s what you’re doing. I adore this book and re-read it often. Over the years since finding it I have bought multiple copies as gifts for friends and family of all ages who are struggling with anxiety, but are fearful of or can’t understand mindfulness. Enjoy!”

Reader review: “I read this book many years ago, a story of someone so trapped by power and consumerism until an event changes his life and forces a life enhancing journey of self discovery to happen and release him from all the trapping of having material possessions,it’s a great read interwoven with life lessons that we can all learn from.”

Reader review:
“Flow is a fantastic book that considers some of the oldest principles of happiness and contentment and backs it up with the scientific methods.”

Reader review:
“A (weirdly) hilarious way for you or a loved one to understand depression. My boyfriend actually cried at how well it was explained. So relatable, emotional and funny.”

Reader review:
“This book changed my way of thinking. Such a refreshing, realistic way to make changes in your life for the better and since reading it I have already found myself being more positive and handling life situations better.”

Reader review:
“This book came at a time that I needed it. It’s so easy to forget to put yourself first sometimes and even harder in these crazy times. I couldn’t put it down and will be going back through and completing the reflective exercises that will really make me stop and think.”

Holly’s review:
“A friend gave me Wim’s book and was talking about the breathing and how he found it really, really helpful. I tried the breathing and I instantly felt the benefit and couldn’t believe how powerful it was. Something as simple as breathing, which you’ve been doing since the day you were born.”

Reader review:
“If you struggle with self-love and confidence read this book.  It is an accessible, easily digestible, introduction into feminist theory.”

Holly’s review:
“Game-changingly brilliant! I couldn’t stop thinking about this book for weeks after…years in fact…in fact I still think about it!”

Be Kind by Rosie Nixon, book cover

Reader review:
This joyful books is pocket-rocket of good vibes with tips, inspiration and pearls of wisdom on the subject of kindness from stars and thought leaders, including Holly Willoughby! Use it for daily inspiration or a pick me up on grey days.”

The Mind Makeover by Sharron Lowe book cover

Reader review:
This book really helps anyone that doesn’t have the positive vibes they want. It’s especially helpful for those of us who work in beauty retail – I loved all the quizzes.” 

I Want To Die But I Want To Eat Tteokbokki book cover

Reader review:
It’s a really interesting mix of self help and the author’s personal experience with depression, therapy and life in South Korea. It also makes you think about your own life and how things affect you.” 

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