Holly’s WYLDE Reads…

Holly’s review:
“My Husbands Killer by @lauramarshallauthor was gripping… think the pages actually turned themselves… friendship, Love, Lies and a little murder.”

Holly’s review:
“I’ve always been a massive fan of Fleetwood Mac and a lot of the inspiration for this book was taken from that band. I immediately listened to Rumours over and over again, and for an album that I have listened to so many times, it definitely made me think of the story behind the songs. And as with all these things it was a springboard to start listening to every single podcast and watching every single documentary about Fleetwood Mac that’s out there. For me, it was a really immersive book about the life of a rock band in the 70’s.”

Holly’s review:
“I read this in under a week, which for me is super fast because I’m the slowest reader. The reason I read it so fast was because it stressed me out so badly I wanted it to be over and out of my life – I mean that in a really good way! It’s more of a psychological thriller, it’s not for the faint-hearted and it’s really dark in places. If it was made for the telly I don’t think I’d be able to watch it. It’s a bit jumpy. I did enjoy it – it was good, it keeps you guessing and I also must say, it’s quite sexy. If you like thrillers, this is a goodie. It scared me HUGELY.” — via our Instagram

Holly’s review:
“I woke up super early to finish this book before the kids woke up… wow… it was amazing! I loved every page.”

“I so enjoyed this book. It’s a really gentle exploration of Buddhism, and through the eyes of a cat, you actually get an understanding of some quite complex Buddhist thinking. I loved it.”

Holly’s review:
“Game-changingly brilliant! I couldn’t stop thinking about this book for weeks after…years in fact…in fact I still think about it!”

Holly’s review:
“A friend gave me Wim’s book and was talking about the breathing and how he found it really, really helpful. I tried the breathing and I instantly felt the benefit and couldn’t believe how powerful it was. Something as simple as breathing, which you’ve been doing since the day you were born.”

Holly’s review:
“Her poetry is so just so beautiful and really do come to life when she reads them herself, so make sure to check her @imeldaofficial instagram out to feel the full effect.”

Holly’s review:
“I came across @donnaashworthwords and absolutely love her heartfelt, relatable writing. Sometimes it’s hard to know how to express our feelings, but somehow she manages to capture the emotions we feel so perfectly.”
WYLDE Book Review
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