The WYLDE Boutique

2025 Moon calendar
If you would like to know more about moon-mapping, this lunar calendar brings you the upcoming dates of the new moon, full moon and all of her glorious phases in between. We should also add that these beautiful moon phases are all taken from a telescope image that Holly captured herself at home!

Lucid Dreaming is possible: how to guide and influence your dreams
Expert dream decoder Theresa Cheung tells WYLDE MOON how we can take charge of the direction of our dreams with lucid dreaming. We all know that getting enough sleep is crucial to good health – but what we do while we’re asleep is just as important.

How changing your perfume can change your mood
Different smells can boost how we feel which is why experts recommend fragrance wardrobes to lift our spirits and help us bring back important memories as Kelly Foster explains.

How to use the elements to cleanse your aura
When we need to cleanse our aura and self, we should look to the elements to help us. I delve deep into each of the following concepts in my video, but here are the basics for cleansing ourselves and our surrounding environments.
Crystals, Astrology & The Universe

How gardening by the moon can help your garden flourish
The idea of planting with the phases of the Moon is one that’s been around for forever and a day, and given our innate desire to work in harmony with Mother Nature, all of us at WYLDE MOON HQ were keen to find out more about it!

How a Saturn Return will tell you if your life is on track
Adele, Katy Perry, Emma Watson and Gwen Stefani have all credited Saturn Return with a major shake-up in their lives. Discover what it can mean for you as WYLDE MOON astrologer Hagan Fox explains all.

The Moon may have more power over our dreams than we realise
Ever wondered if the moon can affect your dreams? Turns out, the eight lunar phases of the moon have a huge affect on our dreams. Here’s how.

Are coincidences a secret message from the universe?
You know the feeling, when you think something happens because it was just meant to be. Kate Lucey investigates the world of serendipity.
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Could knowing your energy type affect how you make key decisions?
Many people who use Human Design say that understanding their energy type given them a lightbulb moment and helped them make better choices. Here’s how you can do the same.

5 great foods to boost your energy levels
Feeling a bit ‘meh’? It’s probably down to what’s on your plate. The foods we eat and when we eat them can transform our energy levels from sluggish to supercharged.

A guided aura viewing and cleansing meditation
Join Emma Lucy in a guided aura viewing and cleansing meditation. Tune in to the colour, texture and vibe of your own unique energy.

How discovering your love language can improve your relationships
Becoming aware of how you and those close to you “speak love” can suddenly help a lot of things make sense. There’s a theory gaining traction that we all communicate via five distinct Love Languages, which represent how we individually define giving and receiving love.
Home & Lifestyle

Immunity-supporting turmeric, ginger and citrus muffins
Turmeric, ginger and citrus are a powerhouse trio of immunity support. Packed into muffins with a sweet-sharp glaze on top, these tasty snacks will make teatime treats feel virtuous!

10 affordable ways to feel happier with your home décor
Looking around your home now the Spring light is shining in and thinking it looks a bit sad? You’re not the only one. Here are some quick budget updates to give your rooms a revamp for the year ahead.

Holly’s favourite lemon drizzle cake
Everyone in our family adores a lemon drizzle and this well-loved recipe has been shared amongst us so many times, we have no idea where it came from originally.

The 10 luckiest house plants, according to Feng Shui
According to the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, certain plants and flowers can bring good fortune, health, and positive energy into your life – and who doesn’t want a bit of that?