WYLDE Moonboard January 2023
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With January being the time for fresh starts and forward thinking about the year ahead…
….I wanted to dedicate this month’s WYLDE Moonboard to everything I would like more of in 2023. I’m coining these my New Year’s Intentions…like resolutions…but without the pressure!
Family Walks
Family time in general is always top of my list and something Dan and I prioritise above all else. If it’s not technology interrupting time together, or just simple the fact that my kids are growing older and are keen to start moving through life in their own little lanes, it’s sometimes a challenge to achieve that dedicated, quality time together in one space. The dinner table is the one place we still manage to reunite and chat through the day. But it occurred to me when walking Bailey this week with Harry and listening to him talk non-stop, that just being out on a family walk is fast becoming another sacred opportunity to be together and catch up. So, 2023 is going to be filled with walk and talk time, whether it’s all together, or taking it in turns with the kids, or Dan for some one on one time, with only nature and each other to plug into!

Me and my not so little girl 🎀

I’ve always loved cooking and find it therapeutic in so many ways. I can lose myself completely when I’m at the stove and do some of my best thinking and planning in the kitchen. I’m very lucky in the job that I do on This Morning to have a daily front row seat to the best Chefs in the business cooking up a storm, and often I can’t wait to get home to try a recipe out for my family. Granted it’s not that every recipe goes to plan, but I never let that put me off. Actually, I think I’m at my best when I’m free styling with whatever is left in the fridge! And there’s always something in the WYLDE Kitchen to have a go at. Food and the kitchen table is literally at the heart of my family, so it’s definitely something I want to do more of in 2023.

A Fondue Savoyarde….or cauldron of a moulton cheese…is quite literally my idea of heaven. I reckon we do this about once a year, and boy is it worth the wait. Cheese, Wine, Garlic, Kirsch…don’t mind if I do!

My Beef Wellington…takes a bow…

This Baby Spinach Salad with Miso is my attempt at one of the best salads I have ever eaten…courtesy of Chef Nobu Matsuhisa.

Yorkshire Pud…made with love…❤️

I’m pretty sure this isn’t what they mean when they say ‘eat the rainbow’. 🌈

My personal hangover cure…Cheese on toast with a splash of Lea & Perrins and a chocolate milk. Don’t judge…what’s yours?!

Scrummy recipes for little ones.

One thing 2022 showed me is just how many bookworms there are in this WYLDE Community of ours – and it’s lovely to know there are so many of us out there! I have grown to love reading. Being dyslexic, reading wasn’t always the easiest thing for me to do, but as an adult, I love the peace and the escapism it brings. Nothing helps me wind down and switch off more than reading a few pages before bed. My intention for 2023 is to pick up a book as my last action of the day…instead of writing a to-do list, scrolling through my phone, or staying up late watching another Netflix episode. It’s so good for my mind!
Since launching the WYLDE Library I’ve been making it my priority to read every day, even if it’s just 10 minutes, to myself or with the kids. And if, like me, your children are getting to an age where they prefer to read their own books to themselves, lie down with them anyway with your own book and read together. I treasure doing that.
Thanks to all of you for your reading tips! There are so many wonderful books I haven’t yet read…so keep your recommendations coming and together we’ll make it the best literary resource it can be!

One of my oldest school friends, Hannah Peckham wrote this lovely book, ‘Conker’. As a fellow dyslexic I’m super proud of what she’s done and the message she’s sending out to the world.

My sister and my first series of children’s books…’L’Etoile School for Stars’…that reminds me we’ll have to get cracking on a kids section in the WYLDE Library…will get some recommendations from the family!

Meditation & Sound Healing
Now I know this may not be for everyone, and often people are turned off when the words meditation or sound healing are mentioned, but having done both for quite some time now I just love them and I think it’s all about finding the type of practice that works for you and your life. If you are open to trying something new, there are so many different options out there, from crystal healing to tapping. It’s just a question of being open and seeing what you connect with the most. Whilst we all start the year with the best of intentions, life soon gets busy and starts racing by. For me personally, fitting in these practices help me to stay grounded and live in the present rather than getting carried downstream at a rate of knots. I MUST do more of this in 2023.

Something else that I love doing – and something Belle loves doing too – that always seems to fall away as almost everything else takes precedent, is journaling. Journaling for me is an all-round positive experience. When I’m happy and have had a great day, sharing those memories with the paper and knowing they will live there for years to come to look back on and relive is something truly special. On the flip side, when I’m stressed or anxious, writing down my thoughts, feelings, worries, sharing them with the paper and knowing when I close that book I feel that bit lighter is a sense of relief. They do say a problem shared is a problem halved, and after a tricky day, writing it all down and leaving it on the paper can do wonders for your brain. Do you journal? Do you have any tips for keeping up with it in 2023?

Find yourself a lovely notebook…grab yourself a pen and 10 minutes all to yourself, and let the words come. This is for you and only you. (Find this one at papier.com)