WYLDE Moonboard February 2023
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Love hearts seem to pop up everywhere at this time of year…
…and who doesn’t love a little reminder that they are loved…even if it is from your local barista! Here’s what’s been inspiring and stopping me in my tracks this month.

(borrowed from) A Love Story
A warm welcome to our newest WYLDE Boutique fragrance…available as a wax melt, this powerful little crescent will fill your home with a floral-citrus bouquet that promises not to wilt.

@jongorriganphotography only turned his back for a minute…I couldn’t help myself!

The effortless beauty of nature…

Ready for a rom com?! Yes please!
Your Place or Mine is coming up on Netflix and looks like the perfect friends to lovers rom com. Films are wonderful at whisking you away for an hour or so and let’s be honest, Reese Witherspoon is at the top of her game. I can’t wait!

Titanic Film’s 25th Anniversary
To celebrate the 25th Anniversary of James Cameron’s Titanic, the movie has been digitally remastered to watch in 3D 4K HDR. Due for release on 10th February (which is actually my birthday and makes me feel very old indeed given that I was an adult when I went to see this at the cinema in 1997!) It’s most definitely time for a new generation to discover this absolute classic. To quote a line from another of my favourite movies Love Actually…“We need Kate, and we need Leo. And we need them now.”

Birthday Time!
February’s the one month of the year I’m guaranteed guilt-free cake and maybe a couple of balloons…you never really grow out of either do you!!

On the subject of age…this made me laugh @grew_up_in_the_70s_and_80s. It’s so true!

Behind the scenes at our (borrowed from) A Love Story shoot.

The world is full of unbearable heartbreak but so often out of darkness there comes unbelievable bravery. On 16th November 2022 my dear friend, @h.j.peckham ‘s little boy Bodhi was diagnosed with acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.
He’s facing it with so much courage and if you have a moment to stand in solidarity with him and so many children like him, please have a read of Hannah’s post and say pants to Leukaemia.

The Therapy Couch Podcast
I bloody love these two! Peter & Abbey are so hilarious…this podcast is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

The Commitments Musical – On Tour!
We all know I love the theatre, whether it be opera, ballet or a musical…I am a fan of it all and this certainly didn’t disappoint. It just makes you want to jump out of your seat and dance – and it’s coming to a town near you!

What do you want to be when you grow up?
When Harry came home from school the other day, I almost fell over when he said they’d been discussing GCSE subjects, and what they wanted to do when they were older. How are we at that point?! Unsurprisingly – aged 13 – he seemed unsure, and it got me thinking. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do when I was at school…I didn’t even know when I moved to London! This BBC article shows that 65% of jobs our children will end up doing don’t even exist yet, so how we can expect them to know at such a young age. I think unless you have a calling, like those who want to be doctors, nurses or teachers, most adults would say they weren’t sure for a while and I think it’s important to talk about this with our kids as when these questions start at school, it can feel like the weight of the world is suddenly on their shoulders.

Hello Pearl Strawberries
It’s not just a strawberry, it’s an M&S White Pearl Strawberry…can’t wait to try these fruity little hearts.

Daisy Jones & The Six By Taylor Jenkins Reid
I’ve always been a massive fan of Fleetwood Mac and a lot of the inspiration for this book was taken from that band. I immediately listened to Rumours over and over again, and for an album that I have listened to so many times, it definitely made me think of the story behind the songs. And as with all these things it was a springboard to start listening to every single podcast and watching every single documentary about Fleetwood Mac that’s out there. For me, it was a really immersive book about the life of a rock band in the 70’s.

The Dalai Lama’s Cat By David Michie
I so enjoyed this book. It’s a really gentle exploration of Buddhism, and through the eyes of a cat, you actually get an understanding of some quite complex Buddhist thinking. I loved it…

A Lick And A Promise By Imelda May
I met the lovely Imelda recently and I knew we were going to get on when we shared my first ever Guinness together…I don’t know how it took me that long either! Her poetry is so just so beautiful and really do come to life when she reads them herself, so make sure to check her @imeldaofficial instagram out to feel the full effect.

Find it in Everything, Photographs by Drew Barrymore
A friend of mine bought me this book a few years back and I was just reminded of it. It’s such a gorgeous little book I had to share.