How to make sure you’re giving out the right vibes to receive love

6 Feb, 2024 | WYLDE Crystals

Words by Emma Lucy Knowles

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February is here – thank goodness – and she’s full of love, and not just the romantic love traditionally celebrated by couples on Valentine’s Day.

Not only has it become a time for self-love and self-care to get to know yourself and your feelings, but also a time to show love to everyone you care for, be it a partner, family or friends. As complex, emotional beings, sometimes it can be difficult to open up, so we asked our WYLDE Energy expert, Emma Lucy, what we can do to ensure we’re giving out the right energy to give and receive all kinds of love.

“Ah February, the season that signals change is in the air. It’s a time where we bloom and flourish with the love that flows through us as we move into Spring. For me, all energy is love, and tending to that vibe within us helps us to be more caring with ourselves, which in turn means we are ready to love and be loved by others. This month’s potent potential is the perfect time to nurture and channel that loving vibe into the rest of the year.

“I know we have good old fashioned, love-filled, Valentine’s Day slap banging in the middle of the month, but don’t forget that it’s just one day. Try to see beyond the 14th February, and look at the heavenly potential for nurturing life and love the whole month through. Just as eggs prepare to hatch and flowers ready to bloom – so do you. Think of all the budding hopes and dreams you have been nurturing as a beautiful energetic bouquet, readying to burst forth and become reality.

“So, how can we honour this inner flourish and create the best conditions for loving success?”

How to use crystals to manifest love

Crack the crystals out to manifest the love of self; to radiate it, vibe it out into the world and the universe. Do this and prepare to receive back the energetic rewards for your intentional efforts! There are several crystals I reach out to for help in opening myself up for love, whatever form that love may take.

Here are my February love-inducing favourites…


A crystal to remind you that you have got the power within you to make it happen.

Spirit Quartz…

A crystal power pairing, perfect for calling in a teammate, be that friend (human or furry) or a partner in romantic crime.

…& Fire Quartz

A crystal power pairing, perfect for calling in a teammate, be that friend (human or furry) or a partner in romantic crime.

Pink Kunzite

A crystal for every shade of romance – whether you’re on the receiving end or looking to romance yourself!


A crystal to align you with the art of receiving.


A crystal to channel unconditional love and bliss.


The crystal of becoming – perfect to work with as you lay your energy love map for 2024.


A crystal of positive reflection, that allows you to radiate that loving vibe far and wide!


A crystal to transform worry into self-empowerment and worth.

There’s no right or wrong way to draw strength from the crystals that call to you. Perhaps you already have a carefully curated crystal practice and want to try adding these to your rituals. Or perhaps you don’t have too much time to think about it and just wish to grab the piece that resonates most with you, pop it in your bra or your pocket, and go into your day. It’s all cool – make this work for you.

Remember, loving energy is tender, gentle and all-forgiving, so treat yourself with that same energy and you will be in that beautiful flow of reciprocity to get the most out of these beauties!

Manifest love by writing a letter

To be all the more intentional, take time out to write a letter expressing whatever loving vibration you are ready to cultivate. The letter can be to yourself, or to the universe, or to Archangel Chamuel, the angel of pure love (address it to whatever feels most natural to you.)

Don’t focus too much on the minute details as this can limit your expression. Instead try to express how the love you want to welcome into your life feels (whether from yourself or from another) – that’s the real manifestation magic!

Combine your crystals with your letter

Once you have written your letter, you can use it as your instruction to your crystals.

  • During the day, place the letter on the window sill, with the crystals which most sung to you on top.
  • Allow them to soak up your intentions and directions under the growth agent light of the sun.
  • Then when you sleep, take them in your hand and soak the energy they are aligning you with into your sweet psyche and energetic being.

How to let go of old love and make room for new

IF, however you are ready to let go of old love to welcome the new, write your release letter instead.

  • This time, place the letter on the window sill overnight, with your crystals of choice on top.
  • Allow them to bathe in the moonlight, drawing in the magic you need to assist in your release.
  • Then, come the daytime, grab your crystals and carry them close to you, as they lovingly release from your being all that you have bravely committed to surrender. Allow yourself to realign with your highest loving potential.

And YES – if you are up for it – you can totally do both! We can bring in and heal at the same time. Love isn’t as stop/start as we may have learnt. All energy is love and you are forever worthy of riding its wave.

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Emma Lucy Knowles

Clairvoyant, Healer, Reader, Teacher, Translator, Author and Coach

Just remember crystals are complementary, not a replacement for any medical treatment you may be receiving. If in doubt speak to your medical adviser.

Whilst WYLDE MOON consults with experts, no advice should replace that of your registered doctor. As such, the information we publish is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider for any medical conditions, and never disregard professional medical advice because of information you have read from WYLDE MOON.

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