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Join Holly and Emma for some true girl power as they talk about; becoming Baby Spice, finding true love so early in life, letting go of mum guilt and the importance of forgiveness.
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Join Holly and Emma for some true girl power as they talk about; becoming Baby Spice, finding true love so early in life, letting go of mum guilt and the importance of forgiveness.
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Share this article...In this episode, Holly is joined by Wim ‘The Iceman’ Hof, author of ‘The Wim Hof Method’. Together, they discuss his belief that he was born to change the world with his natural healing techniques; the devastating impact of...
Share this article...This month, on By the Light of The Moon, Holly is joined by actor, singer, author, businesswoman, advocate of inner-wellbeing and sexual health, wife and mother, Gwyneth Paltrow. Join Holly and Gwyneth for a refreshingly honest...
Share this article...This month, on By The Light Of The Moon, I wanted to do something different. The moon reflects the sun’s light and I wanted to reflect what is unfolding in the Ukraine right now by speaking to four fascinating women. We have...