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Mother’s Day, like any national holiday, can bring both joy and sadness. Whilst for many, it’s a day to celebrate mother figures everywhere for all that they do, for some who have lost mothers or who aren’t able to become mothers, or for those who have difficult relationships due to illness or other life circumstances, it can be an overwhelming time.

As a team, we discussed what we could do to mark Mother’s Day, and decided to share snippets of motherly advice from the matriarchal figures in our lives. Hopefully their words will raise a smile, inspire or just provide a little well-meaning advice today. Interestingly, there’s a motherly one liner that crops up time after time – so perhaps we ought to pay special attention to that!!
We really hope you enjoy these pearls of wisdom…
1. Holly…
Some motherly advice that’s really stayed with me is, “Pick your battles and don’t sweat the small stuff.” Mum always said, “Try not to react to anything that triggers you straight away. If you give everything a bit of time and space to breathe, the right path will become clear.” And she was absolutely right. 💫💕
2. Kelly…
My mother always said, “A little of what you fancy does you good…but everything in moderation” – and she was right because it applies to pretty much everything. If only I had learnt to stop at one row of chocolate, (bar 🤫) one glass of wine, (bottle 🤫) one handbag (and matching shoes 🤫)! Note to my 45 year old self…should have listened to mother. I’d be skinnier, healthier and richer…but would I be happier? Naaah! 💋🍫🍸👛
3. Vicky…
“Don’t eat yellow snow?” Jokes! My mum never stopped talking – a trait which I’ve inherited with gusto – so the fact that I can’t now think of a single one liner from her is a complete anomaly! I think I’ll just thank her for the gift of the gab and promise to pass that family heirloom on!! 🤣
4. Issy…
My mum was packed full of wisdom that she would impart during my younger years, and after her passing, it has stayed with me, ringing through my mind and heart in different situations. The sayings of hers that I live by daily are “If you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all” (loosely taken from Bambi) And secondly, “Always be interested and interesting”. It’s so easy to get caught up with everything we “should” be doing, but her advice always reminds me to, “lead with a good and kind heart, and the rest will follow.” 💗
5. Jo…
My Mum isn’t one for giving me specific advice. On the whole, she leads by example BUT, there are certainly a few noteworthy things I’ve picked up from her along the way. “Invest in your skin.” She has a FLAWLESS skincare routine (and thus stunning skin and remarkably few wrinkles for her age…which I don’t think I’m at liberty to share!). “Wear comfortable but stylish clothes.” In other words, look great but make sure you also FEEL great in whatever you’re wearing and don’t be afraid to spend money on things if they are good quality – “Buy it right, buy it once!” And if you can’t afford it, ask your mum to get it for you! Thanks Mum! 💋
6. Louise…
My grandmother always said the classic, “If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all”. And my mum was full of random wisdom: “Eat lots of vegetables.” “Line your stomach before a night out.” “Always get a train going as close to your destination as possible if you are facing a long wait in case they cancel your train.” “Put moisturiser on every day!” (She has less wrinkles than me!) And, “Always keep a store cupboard of food essentials – just in case!” (She grew up during the war).🥫
7. Kate…
This is the piece of advice I should try to follow – but it doesn’t always seem to happen: “If it’s the end of the night and you feel like you need a liqueur, just have a cup of tea.” 🍸😘
8. Patsy…
If I close my eyes and think of the advice she gave me, I can hear my mother’s lilting Irish voice repeating these one-liners over and over… “If you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all.” And, “If you’re gonna be a good liar, you’ve got to have a good memory!” In other words, DON’T TELL LIES! Thanks Ma! 🍀
9. Ciler…
I’ve been wracking my brains to think of some stand-out motherly advice from my lovely Turkish mum. Slightly oddly, her saying “Don’t sit on cold surfaces…” is the one liner I remember her repeating the most. 🤣 Well she wasn’t wrong! (Ps. there was a second part to that advice, but I couldn’t possibly put that in print! Incidentally, she wasn’t wrong about that either! 😳🤣) ❄️
10. Danielle…
Mum’s advice was a classic – but probably the best life advice anyone can follow. “Listen to your gut and do whatever makes you happy.” I just have to check in with myself every now and again, to make sure I’m following it. ❤️
11. Emma Lucy…
My mum always told me “Never go to bed on an argument.” As a kid, that was so much more powerful than I realised, but my sister and I would always do it. If something flared, we’d never go to bed upset with each other, and the next day it never really seemed as important as it did in the moment. This piece of advice has helped me to refocus and reframe many things throughout out my life and still does today. Life is precious and we deserve to enjoy it as much we can with those we love. 💕
12. Ateh…
The best advice from my mum would have to be: “Be kind, karma is real. The universe will handle it so don’t worry yourself.” And, “Always howl at the full moon and hug trees!” 🌕🌳
13. Hagan…
I am and was always, a Daddy’s boy – he taught me everything including astrology. My Mother was an absolute stickler when it came to language and pronunciation and in hindsight I’m grateful to her for that. 💫
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