The ultimate crystal guide: best crystals for anxiety, healing, happiness and more

16 Aug, 2022 | WYLDE Crystals

Words by Emma Lucy Knowles

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What are the best crystals for you?

Whatever your challenges or goals you can find a crystal that can help…

We all know that Holly loves a crystal so she asked our expert Emma Lucy Knowles to create a grab and go crystal guide, for you to explore, journey with or hold in highly emotional times.

  Best crystals for shifting energy & transformation – Malachite & Rose Quartz

The New Year is the time to forge forward, not to begin all over again…and here are a powerful pair of crystals to help you move forward with all that serves you and leave all behind all the junk!


Malachite is like an energy antibiotic for our being. It uses vibrational force to sift out and shift any negative elements from the life you’ve been so brilliantly carving out for yourself.
Rose Quartz
And as with any antibiotic, we need a probiotic and Rose Quartz is the dream for that. She soothes and softens the wild shift of Malachite’s Tasmanian Devil approach so you can get back on track with being the best you can be.

  Best crystal for focusing on your future – Rainbow Flourite

It’s nearly the time for the annual reset of our intentions, when we commit to what we want to achieve for the coming year. But in our busy lives how do we know what to focus on? I call Rainbow Fluorite the crystal surfboard because it draws you to the energy wave you are destined to surf. It will help you gravitate towards the tide that is right for you, catch the creative wave and turn your intentions from your mind, into the world with confidence.

  Best crystal for positivity – Bloodstone

We are all ready for some good, old-fashioned positivity. Bloodstone can help it circulate through every pore of your being and bring some sunshine into your life. Blood Stone is a protective power house that can help refresh and rebirth your elemental being. This stone is known as the King of endurance, motivation and courage and can revitalise, rebalance and pump up the good times.

  Best crystal for future growth – Stromatolite

Now is a powerful time to connect to the magic around us. Like the leaves that fall to the ground and nourish the land, stimulating the soil, at this time of year we can prepare ourselves for the dreams and wishes we want to come to fruition. Just as the leaves nourish mother earth, let Stromalite take all that has happened to you and transform it in to something that nourishes your future growth. This stone can open the door to the world that lies beyond what the human eye can see, to support you ushering magic into your future endeavours.

  Best crystal for balance – Ametrine

In order for us to feel balanced, now is the time for us to blend our opposing energies and create harmony – between the Yin and Yang, and masculine and feminine. Ametrine is one of my re-occurring favourite crystals. She is the perfect mix of the mind awakener, Amethyst, twinned with our forever faithful flow stone, Citrine. Citrine will show you that balancing out and bringing yourself in, is always more empowering than continuously berating yourself and looking for ways to change and let go.

  Best crystal for anxiety – Clear Quartz

The high-vibing Clear Quartz allows us to ground our feet and raise our minds up, in order to relieve anxiety and self-doubt. Clear Quartz enables us to reconnect with a greater sense of self, by encouraging us to view real-life through its crystal clear, laser-sharp lens. She is a trusted friend indeed, when seeking to feel a greater connectivity with self and spirit.

  Best crystal for joy – Citrine

Much like the sun burning through grey clouds, citrine burns off negativity. It’s a great piece for the home as it taps into joy and luck vibrations. It can help to disperse the lingering hangover of an argument; enrich your purse and your pockets; and nourish you at the core of your very being.

  Best crystal for happiness & optimism – Crazy Lace Agate

This is also called Life’s Laughter Stone. It champions joy and confidence, promoting optimism, helping you strive towards stability. Allow her to wrap you in a magnetic field of happiness and people will swarm to you for all the right reasons. If you are feeling fierce, attractive and powerful, allow Crazy Lace to be like your setting spray to hold the look. Please use in short stints so as not to get too drunk on life and out of balance!

  Best crystal for self-worth – Peridot

Inner love is not, as we’re so often led to believe, a form of arrogance. It’s self-worth, self-value and self-respect. The levels in which we hold these qualities dip and heighten based on past choices or current surroundings…cue Peridot! Work with him to cleanse the negativity you may feel currently. Whether that negativity comes from past ‘mistakes’, or cruel, un-meant but deeply felt words. He will help to expand your heart like a beautiful lotus flower, re-born from muddy waters through gentle forgiveness.

  Best crystal for balance – Rhodonite

When we love, we operate in a state of imperfect give and take. The stella Rhodonite (pink and red) allows us to balance the highs and the lows; healing emotional shock when we take a fall from the high wire and supporting us as we take the climb back up top. Use Rhodonite to support you in forgiving yourself when you feel like battering yourself mentally for making ‘poor choices’ or ‘mistakes’. She will remind you that in order to truly enjoy the highs – you must sometimes explore the lows, and she will help you take those in your stride.

  Best crystal for alleviating tension & helping you sleep – Aragonite

Sometimes the day can leave us feeling sky-high or off-centre. Aragonite is a crystal of the earth. He is a grounding healer. Work with Aragonite to feel comfortable in your skin and your surroundings, to centre you in a warm and calming manner when you feel spun out and tense.

  Best crystal for calm – Aventurine

This deeply enriching green stone should be used to promote blissful mental stability. Calming anger and irritation– this precious vibration works in aligning and balancing your central nervous system. Much like hitting the reset button, allow this stone to lift the weight of the world and return you to a peaceful state of mind.

  Best crystal to still the mind – Howlite

Howlite is a natural sponge for emotional turbulence. Sweet Howlite (green, white, blue) will rock you into a calm state, even on the wildest of days, and when used at night she will flood though your dream-like state to strengthen your memory. Ask Howlite to tune in and set your mental frequency to one of peace, deep rest, calm heart and thinking.

  Best crystal for self esteem – Labradorite

Labradorite is the perfect reflector. Labradorite energizes you as he delves in to your heart and soul, working hard to raise all the goodness from within and expelling all that is not. Hold hands with Labradorite to help you hold hands with yourself. He will show you your beauty in the truest form and encourage you to hold yourself warmly, lovingly and honestly when looking at your reflection in the mirror.

  Best crystal for focus – Fluorite

Fluorite is a wonderful noise-reducer and organization influence. Seek her out when you are looking to dial-down loud outside influences and chitter chatter in order to achieve heightened mental clarity. Fluorite promotes the sharpening of the strongest tools in your kit, to enhance learning, self-confidence, organisation and the general structure of everyday life. She’s definitely one to keep in your office top drawer.

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Emma Lucy Knowles

Clairvoyant, Healer, Reader, Teacher, Translator, Author and Coach

Just remember crystals are complementary, not a replacement for any medical treatment you may be receiving. If in doubt speak to your medical adviser.

Whilst WYLDE MOON consults with experts, no advice should replace that of your registered doctor. As such, the information we publish is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider for any medical conditions, and never disregard professional medical advice because of information you have read from WYLDE MOON.

By participating in programs such as the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program WYLDE MOON may make affiliate revenue if you buy a recommended product, but we only recommend the absolute best in the eyes of our experts.

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