Words by Emma Lucy Knowles
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You can re-charge your crystals in the sun to boost their powers
The beauty of all crystals is that they have the ability to soak up and store all the magic of summer in their depths.
Much like the animals heading into hibernation, now is the moment to charge them with all those blissful summer vibes, so that they are ready for us to draw from as the days get shorter and the nights get longer.
Here are my top sun-soaker crystals for you to lay out in the sunshine – for an hour or even a few days. For maximum benefit I suggest using these crystals at the start of the day, during your morning rituals, when the sun would usually awaken the body. If you keep them by the bed or under the pillow they will help you to dream deep.


Snowflake Rhodonite

Lemon Calcite

Green Opal

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Emma Lucy Knowles
Clairvoyant, Healer, Reader, Teacher, Translator, Author and Coach