Elevate your days with these 2-minute positive energy rituals

8 Jan, 2024 | WYLDE Crystals

Words by Emma Lucy Knowles

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Three positive energy rituals that are so simple, yet incredibly powerful.

Even introducing just one of these rituals to your day will help to uplift your spirits and bring more joy to your personal energy space.

There are a few very simple, quick and effective rituals that can help us all to live calmer, more peaceful and positive lives. Healer, author and crystal expert Emma Lucy Knowles explains in this video that rituals are the key, not resolutions, and demonstrates three two-minute positive energy rituals that can help us feel more grounded and centred during the chaos of every day.

You don’t need to bring all three into your daily life to feel the benefit – you could choose just one and begin to do it as often as you can, before seeing the benefit could help you find the time to practise your chosen ritual every day.

1. Morning energy ritual for intention setting

When we start consciously shaping our mornings, we can guide the day’s energy. Emma Lucy shows us how we can stimulate energy just through our own hand movements and synchronised breathing, centring our intentions on the energy we want to manifest for the day.

The energy we want to manifest is announced out loud, in a mantra. This could be “love and joy” as chosen by Emma Lucy, or it could be anything else you want to bring in to your say. “Focus and productivity”, “clarity and sensitivity”, “empathy and understanding” or even simply “love”. The power of words becomes a catalyst here, grounding these intentions within us.

2. Water ritual for elemental energy

If you find yourself short of time or privacy in the morning, this is another ritual (starting at around 03.15 on the video) that can be done at any time. Here, Emma Lucy introduces the significance of water and motion, in the simple practice of a foot bath ritual. Soaking your feet in warm water infused with pink Himalayan salt and Labradorite crystals – not necessary if you’re “not a crystal junkie”, it must be noted!

The foot bath can help access your energetic pathways, and, let’s be honest, also simply be a moment of pure relaxation and time to yourself. Reflexology tells us that there’s a map on the bottom of our feet that scans our entire body, which Emma Lucy explains “gives you access energetically to every meridian line within the body, into accessing all of the organs within the body. We can do so much release through the feet.”

3. End of day ritual for energising sleep

So much healing happens at night time, we want to make sure that we’re not starting each day with the tiredness of the previous day still inside us, and that we’re getting a restful night so we can wake up truly refreshed. Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

In this third ritual (starting around 05.20), Emma Lucy shows us how we can use cleansing tools to calm our thoughts and release overwhelming energy from ourselves before we head into sleep. this simple ritual will ready you for a deep sleep that’s invigorating and brings energy right back to you for tomorrow.

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Emma Lucy Knowles

Clairvoyant, Healer, Reader, Teacher, Translator, Author and Coach

Just remember crystals are complementary, not a replacement for any medical treatment you may be receiving. If in doubt speak to your medical adviser.

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