How to discover the colour and meaning of your aura

20 Apr, 2023 | WYLDE Crystals

Words by Emma Lucy Knowles

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Explore the fascinating world of auras by discovering the colours and meanings of yours…

Did you know you are a beautiful mass of rainbow-coloured, high-vibing, far-flowing energy – vibrating and emitting your own frequency out into the world? This frequency, these vibrations, these vibes, are an energetical extension of yourself, which is more commonly known as your ‘aura’.

For me, your aura is a completely crucial part of who you are. It is your own energy universe; layered with emotional, mental and spiritual brilliance; your unique ‘Bat-Signal’ out into life; your own personal ’WiFi’ that enables you to seek out what you want and need. 

Your 7 Layers and what they influence:

  • Layer 1 – The Etheric Body – Governing our health
  • Layer 2 – The Emotional Body – Governing our emotional library
  • Layer 3 – The Mental Body – Our belief patterns
  • Layer 4 – The Astral Body – Where our heart is
  • Layer 5 – The Etheric Template – Speaking out
  • Layer 6 – The Celestial Body – Divining our dreams
  • Layer 7 – The Causal Plane – Our soul’s balance

Our aura is very cleverly colour-coded. Each layer has a colour (or colours) that signal where you are at in your life right now. Unlike your Chakras, which have one colour, you and your aura are awash with colour that changes depending on where you are emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

You might wish to consider what your dominant auric vibration is right now. Perhaps you have a favourite colour; a colour you wear a lot but not sure why; perhaps you have a tone painted throughout your house; a colour that makes you feel empowered or another that makes you feel tucked away? What would those be?

I’ve written extensively about aura colours in ‘You Are A Rainbow: Essential Auras’, to help you start decode what your energy is saying about you right now.

Aura colour RED, for Strength

To have a bright, clear, crisp, delicious hue of red in your aura represents strength – strength of your energy, of body and of character!

Aura colour ORANGE for Vitality

If orange dances its way into your field of light, it is singing to you to get excited, for it brings within its rays messages of happy, exciting times. A healthy hue of orange is also a reflection of your excitable, bouncy social bunny and natural skills as a leader

Aura colour YELLOW for Radiance

Yellow rays and vibes are held by the creative, the curious, the friendly, the playful, the relaxed. If you are bathed in yellow rays you are the embodiment of laughter radiating inspiration and optimism.

Aura colour GREEN the Nurturer

This is a sign of the well balanced, the heart-led, the patient and the flexible. You are a natural healer. Even better, you are in a period of growth, fertility and change, so use this wisely and with the patience with which you have been blessed under this colour.

Aura colour BLUE for Expression

This is the colour of those with artistic qualities or those embracing an artistic project. Being artistic doesn’t just mean you are just a dab hand with the paint brush, so it’s important that you seek and sink deeper into what creativity means to you beyond the dictionary definition.

Aura colours of GREY and BLACK for Protection

If these colours shine to and through you, this signals an energy of protection, intelligence and reliability. Perhaps black and grey are shining through to you today because very cleverly your energy has gone into safe mode – self-protection mode – so you could ask why this is so.

Aura colours of WHITE and SILVER for Childhood Wonder

People with this colour have a freshness to them: being in their presence is to feel as though you have just opened a window in the stuffiest room of the house and they diffuse that vibe through each and every room in every house they walk through.

So why is important to understand what your aura is saying about you?

As I have explained, your aura is a reflection of who and where you are at. The wonderful thing is you are totally in control! You have the ability to monitor, change and manage aura simply by re-adjusting your energy to a vibe or a frequency that’s more in alignment with where you want to be. If you know that you are allergic or intolerant to some foods, you stop eating them, right? It’s the same with your aura and its energy make-up: thinking cruelly about yourself impacts the frequency of the energy (and the crueller the thought, the lower the vibe), but the more positive and affirming the thought, the higher the vibe – it’s that simple. This means that a single thought pattern can rock your whole energy network and the signal you are sending out to the world and therefore what you attract back.

The quality of your energy is super-important and embracing and understanding your aura will allow you to generate more energy and brightness, making you quite literally feel more alive and more able to power through any trouble life may bring you. It will allow you to find and connect with your people, support you in making the choices that will lead you to your dreams and destiny, and be healthier in body and spirit.

Have you ever come into contact with someone whose aura and energy is clear, cool and radiating on a level that resonates with your own resulting in feeling that instant click and compatibility? It can feel (as the Latin term suggests) as if they are quite literally an energetical breath of fresh air; they lift our spirits as though they were the wind beneath our wings. This is the feeling you get when your auras align, resulting in something that feels truly dreamy!

Understanding your aura may not be able to eradicate all of life’s problems as they are part of the learning, but it will allow you to face into them with a degree of peacefulness and calm control.

Next month we will be sharing a guided auric viewing and connection mediation to help you tune into what vibe you are giving off and align anything that maybe a little off kilter. See you next month ready to try it!

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Emma Lucy Knowles

Clairvoyant, Healer, Reader, Teacher, Translator, Author and Coach

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