Ego vs. Intuition: How to stop your intuition from getting lost in the noise

3 Dec, 2023 | Mind, WYLDE Crystals

Words by Emma Lucy Knowles

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When faced with a dilemma we’re always told to follow our gut…our intuition, but that’s easier said than done. The problem is your intuition isn’t the only voice talking to you. The other one is your ego and it can be disruptive.

Emma Lucy tells how learning to work with the spiritual purity of your intuition can help you achieve the confidence and peace of mind to make the right decisions.

It’s absolutely possible to learn how to distinguish the two. Once you know what to look for, you can begin to identify if you’re listening to the agenda of the ego or the spiritual purity of intuition. And once you master this, you’re well on your way to achieving the confidence and peace of mind that can only come from truly letting intuition guide your choices and your actions.

What is Intuition?

Intuition is a road map for the soul – the voice of truth. It’s our most reliable guide, but too often, we choose not to listen to it or become disconnected from it.  When there is SO much going on in our modern lives, how do we funnel out what feels right from what feels wrong? How do we learn to trust our intuition and become more in-tune with who we really are and what we really need? Learning to work with your intuition can help you heal your past, make peace with your present and create your future.

Exploring the Feels

How do you know what you know, when you don’t know you know!?! We communicate on so many levels, both consciously and subconsciously. Tapping into your intuition is all about paying attention to the signs and signals out in the real world – how we ‘hear’ without words; how we ‘see’ with our eyes closed; and how we ‘feel’ without touching. Now is the time for you to explore how to tune in and harness the power of intuition.

Intuition and Me: The Way You Make Me Feel

You already use intuition even when you don’t realise that you are – so, you’re not starting from scratch! This is nothing new to you – how brilliant is that?! So, what do you already know? And how do you get to know more? As with everything in life there is no one size fits all. Practice takes patience and everyone’s approach is different.

-Here are a few easy tap in tips to get you started

1. Keep the vibe alive

Feeling is believing after all and the quickest way to tap onto your intuitive superpower is to set it an ask. Yep, that’s right; get it working…get it talking! Even if it’s quietly whispering at the start. Intuition rings through the body through all the senses; feel, touch, taste and smell.

  • Come to sit in a dedicated peaceful space. (You don’t need to be a mediation junkie to do this!)
  • Sit with your eyes closed, come to the breath and let your breath draw you inwards, towards the heart centre. Allow yourself to feel a sense of opening at the heart centre at the middle of your chest, perhaps by visualising a ball of light.
  • When you feel or sense that connection (and please bear in mind that when ego says ‘that’s not it’, that’s when it really is!), ask your intuition to give you a physical confirmation that you are connected.
  • Then allow yourself to feel, to sense it ringing through your being. This could be a pulsing or tingling in your hands, or a pressure in some unique, obvious or unusual part of your body.
  • Keep the mind open, (be aware that ego will try to tell you ‘you’re not getting it’).
    At this moment, dial into my favourite EVER mantra ‘I AM AND I CAN’. When you feel that connection, make a mental note but don’t overdo it. Incremental use of the intuitive muscle is key when you’re just starting to work with it!

2. Keep your thoughts in check

Ego and intuition use the same voice within our being; the forever battle of ego vs intuition. Always check which voice is leading your decision making. Ask yourself which voice is leading you towards the life you deserve; which is speaking to you with love and kindness. Listen to that voice, for that is your intuition.

3. Keep Your Energy Clear

Our body is our super instrument for intuition. I’m not saying you need to go teetotal or sugar-free, but it is important we keep our energy as clean as possible, just like you do your hair or your clothes! For this, I always lean in to Mother Earth’s elemental power. If long lazy baths are your thing, add some Himalayan Salts and let this power combination soak through your being and ground any energy lag as it goes. If fire is your thing, use cleansing tools such as Sage or Palo Santo, sweeping your instrument of choice mindfully around the full outline of your body. If it’s air, head out into the elements for a walk. And if it’s earth, reach for your crystals and pop them into your pocket or bra!

4. Keep Daydreaming

Visualisation and journaling are huge part of intuitive play. It’s why we felt these vibes so easily as a kid and why when we were ‘schooled’ we forgot. Daydreaming is key to manifestation and intuition and the universe loves to deliver that which will benefit you, all you have to do is work out what that is and ask.

5. Keep Grounded

Your intuition is only as strong as the instrument it plays and the vessel it resides in – your body. Keeping yourself in strong physical shape is key, but you also need to keep your body rooted to the energies of the earth. It’s this grounded connection that will support us  as we explore the power within us, and prevent us from feeling overwhelmed.
To ground your body with the earth, I always say to stand feet hip distance apart, hands by side. Gently close the eyes and visualise roots growing down out through your feet and into the ground. Your body will sway as it grounds, but that’s OK. Repeat this mantra 3 times ‘I am totally safe and totally protected’.

Trusting Your Intuition Can Change Your Life

When we live in balance, when we access our intuition and befriend our ego, when we learn to be led by our gut and not guarded by our fears, we can open our hearts and minds. We can be more accepting and respectful of ourselves; we can be better partners, siblings or co-workers; we can be more grounded and less anxious or stressed; we can see our path more clearly, make better decisions and set better intentions about our future; we can achieve our dreams and goals; we can feel more content about our life – and all importantly, we can get the joy back!

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Emma Lucy Knowles

Clairvoyant, Healer, Reader, Teacher, Translator, Author and Coach

Just remember crystals are complementary, not a replacement for any medical treatment you may be receiving. If in doubt speak to your medical adviser.

Whilst WYLDE MOON consults with experts, no advice should replace that of your registered doctor. As such, the information we publish is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider for any medical conditions, and never disregard professional medical advice because of information you have read from WYLDE MOON.

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