Words by Hagan Fox
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About once every nine months Mercury enters Cancer and can cause emotional chaos with how we communicate with each other, whatever your star sign.Hagan Fox explains how to make it work for you.
Mercury, was the messenger of the Gods, and the planet influences our powers of communication and how we express ourselves day-to-day.
This planet is pretty crucial as we live in a relentless hailstorm of communication online and in-person. All this can mean great joy, hell, misery, jubilation, madness, happiness, sadness, melancholy and bliss depending on who we are talking to or messaging. It is vital we, and everyone we are in contact with, get the tone of voice right.
With Mercury in Cancer it will heighten the impact of all our communications whatever our star sign. Mercury will also affect a different house in each individual star sign. In other words it will influence either the importance of communication at your work, within the family, friendship groups or in connection with money and finance. Whether it is to do with family, your love life or career it could all become very emotionally charged. Here is my re-assuring and revealing guide to explain how you will be impacted by the Cancer/Mercury tryst and what you can do about it.
Dear Aries, you have Mercury in the fourth house of home and hearth which means all things family are to the fore. You’re gonna need to be fuelled and energised Aries-style in order to cope with the bombardment of messages and demands that may well be hurtling in your general direction from the entire clan. All things family are in play. It’s a joyous period, it’s family and it’s full on.
You have Mercury in the 3rd house, so Mercury is at home here and at peace. It is happy, content and ready to assist. If ever there was a month to get off your Taurean butt and get your life back on track and shippyshape it is now. This is a month to sign off every outstanding document, to clear the communicative decks, to commence any undertaking that requires intellectual communicative nous. Now Taurus, do it right now!
Mercury will be in the second house of money, cash and dosh for Geminis. Hmmm, when money is aligned with communication from Cancer that sounds to me like transactions. It’s money, so go easy, be diligent, treble check everything if money is exiting your life. Conversely, Mercury here could also suggest funds arriving and these days it is far more likely to be via technology. Check your inbox Gemini…you never know!
Well, ‘tis all about you Cancer. It rolls like this, any form of communication with your name plastered all over it, be it courtesy of the friendly postie or online, you must tend to it now. Tend to everything, this is the month when important documents arrive. Depending whether you are in karmic clover it might just be wondrous news. It depends whether you’ve been a good boy or girl. Trust your gut . Instinct was gifted to you Cancerians at birth.
This placement of Mercury in Cancer really highlights instinct.It is in your your 12th house Leo, the house of instinct, a double whammy of instinct wedged in your back pocket.It is rare that we can confidently lean on our innate instinct but yours is so overwhelmingly powerful here, that you arguably can, at least regarding communications. There are never any guarantees that any of us will make the right call but your instinct is never more powerful than during this 3 week period, Leo.
Send out the invites Virgo, leave the self-imposed monastic life behind and and start touching base with those whose company you cherish. Don’t be surprised if you receive correspondence from long lost friends and maybe even ex-lovers. This period is about bonding via communication, initiate friendships, re-ignite them, re-inspire them. Friends can be our greatest allies and they’re waiting Virgo.
It is a time of career and communication Libra. Mercury is loitering in your 10th house which is the house of career and potential success. Do you want to initiate something on the career front Libra? Pen to paper, mitt to keyboard…don’t dilly dally or dither. This period is all about career and communication, potentially promotion, pay rise, new job, even leaving to travel the world. As long as you play the integrity card, the playbook will hopefully pan out the way you desire.
The three weeks from June 26th will focus on travel, education and communication. There will be a flurry of communication no less. Don’t be surprised if you start learning a new language abroad or online or just wake up one morning and say “I’ve had enough, I’m off to Costa Rica. I would not be surprised at all and would unequivocally encourage you. You Scorpios overthink waaaay too much. Trust your instinct during this period, just run with it, the 9th house can be joyous and benefic.
Your 8th house which is home to mystery, dark secrets, hidden pots of other people’s gold is motivated by Mercury during these three weeks. It really can unearth all sorts of mysteries courtesy of it’s communicative energy.A legacy or three or a long forgotten debt or both? Long lost lovers may send you a communication that’s so deliciously saucy that a rekindling may well go down. The 8th house is akin to a madhouse where anything goes. What’s the postman got in his sack? What’s in your inbox Sagi?
Love letters, eloping, love, kindred spirits, soulmates – all is possible when Mercury hits your 7th house.If you’re a single Capricorn..you should be signing up to every single dating website in town. If he or she is out there your odds of finding your long lost love is heightened by this placement. Always remember that honesty, integrity and particularly your instinct will helpfully shuffle you in the right direction.
Well, the 6th house of duty and hard graft is arguably the least appropriate placement for you, Aquarians.Highly intelligent you may be, but hard graft certainly isn’t always your watchword. Mercury here suggests that you need to keep on top of life, don’t let things slip, don’t leave things till next month as you could regret it. Remember duty and hard graft if you get a communication that is authoratative. It’s only three weeks and rewards can be expected if you play ball.
If you receive invites to the wildest gigs, parties and shindigs during this period, be of no surprise and accept every last damned one. Mercury in the 5th house of joy and decadence is arguably saying the majority of your communications will be benefic and just plain fab. However, don’t abandon caution in the name of heady recklessness. The Cancerian Mercury connection blesses you with an innate instinct so utilise it if you ever feel hazy.

Hagan Fox
Astrologer Hagan Fox has dedicated his entire life to researching and studying numerical systems and numerical behaviour to devise a universal – yet unique – system, which is designed to understand human dynamics. By using the principles of Eastern and Western astrology to create a mathematical system comprising 1440 different characters, a staggering 2,172,600 one-to-one human dynamics are generated.
In the UK, Hagan has captivated TV audiences on some of the nation’s highest-rating daytime shows, using his unique method to surprise some of the country’s best-loved stars and their audiences.
For reading enquiries: hagan@johnnoel.com