Words by Hagan Fox
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Are you one of the luckiest star signs this month from 23rd November to 21st December?
Every month, between the 20th-23rd the mini deck of cards that hold the 12 Star Signs gets shuffled. We asked our WYLDE MOON astrology guru, Hagan Fox, to create a table that allows us to understand which star signs are brimming with good fortune over the next 30 days and which signs are facing a trickier times and need to hang on in there.
1. Sagittarius
It’s your time of year! Sagi’s adore reckless spontaneity. It can end in tears on occasion, but in the season of the ‘Sag’ it can be magical. Get the glad-rags on and quite frankly, hammer life with everything you’ve got!
2. Leo
You’ve still got Saturn in opposition which is challenging, but the shackles are unleashed for a month. If you want something, you can make it happen. Leos love to be adored, revered, recognised (quite right!) and from the 23rd, your crown shimmers gloriously, but you gotta get out there and get on it Leo!
3. Aries
Your middle name is energy. You’re as curious about life at 60 as you are at 6. Time to explore, get a little lustful and daring – an Aries prerequisite from the day you were born. You wanna align naughtiness and good fortune? Ready, steady…
4. Taurus
The month of Sagittarius encourages the ordinarily staid, serious, organised, sensible Taurus to shed the dungarees and to slink into something alluringly silken. You’ll probably be more interested in buying a house – fine, it’s a good time – but keep the silks on though, just in case!
5. Cancer
Cancerians are seriously savvy when it comes to cash, and this is a month where investing and shuffling your funds might occur to you. It’s also a month where love could easily pop its heavenly head into focus – it may even be standing right in front of you. Keep your beautiful eyes wide open!
6. Aquarius
You’re in play as the intellectual kids of astrology. You’ve an innate intellect, trouble is, you’re often too lazy to utilise it. Well, please allow the lucky Sagi energy to place a strategic rocket upon your person and get out there and blow our minds!
7. Libra
You may not know it but you Librans are ruled by Pallas, not Venus. Pallas is a tough cookie, a warrior, which describes just about all Libran women. This time of year is all about lucky energy and it plays right into your energised ballpark. 4 weeks from the 23rd, life is wholly on your side!
8. Capricorn
It’s neutral territory for you, it ain’t bad but if you want luck to work in your favour, you have to earn it. You’re a grafter Capricorn, dip into your innate mindset, work hard and this month should reward. Don’t get be lazy, that WON’T pay.
9. Scorpio
À la Capricorn, you sit in neutral territory and not unlike Capricorn the innate work ethos of Scorpio will assist you this month if you utilise the Sagi energy. Rein in the intensity and have fun too. Unleash that immense lust hidden behind your often serious veneer!
10. Virgo
Well, you can’t have a perennially fab time. This is a month to consolidate, sort things out, get practical and rid yourself of the detritus of life. By all means enjoy life, but don’t do reckless and don’t speculate for this is not the time.
11. Pisces
HIf you go out hunting for the soulmate of your dreams this month, you might just end up with a chancer, a fraud or just a plain idiot! No, there are months where we should take stock and address the fussy, banal things in our lives. It has to be done and this is a month to take advantage of such deeds.
12. Gemini
My sincere apologies Gemini, you’re only in the least lucky slot for a month, so don’t fret. You sit opposite Sagittarius and the word ‘opposition’ says it all, as you tend to face obstacle after obstacle. Keep smiling, slow right down and momentarily switch off (for once!). Let life dictate, go with the flow and expect nothing and life will be a bonus therein.
New Moon in Sagittarius – November 22nd 2022
This is pretty straightforward. People write novels about a New Moon. So, let’s rein it in, simplify things and get reckless and intuitive. Sounds like a contradiction? I’ll explain…
Venus is currently meandering through Sagittarius. So, reckless love? Wild romance? Hell yeah..but hold on, just for a mo…
The reckless, exciting, wild love that, let us be frank, we all secretly covet will be most gratifying and exhilarating if we tap deep into our intuition, as in, does this ‘feel’ right? Trust your intuition, truly listen to it, even if you are confronted by a Greek God or Goddess, listen to your senses…they are your guide this month.
Listening to your senses also applies to life as a whole as we enter this period of the year. Intuition is an ally so if you are planning new ventures – the New Moon absolutely encourages that each and every month – allow Neptune and her intuition to guide you.
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Hagan Fox
Astrologer Hagan Fox has dedicated his entire life to researching and studying numerical systems and numerical behaviour to devise a universal – yet unique – system, which is designed to understand human dynamics. By using the principles of Eastern and Western astrology to create a mathematical system comprising 1440 different characters, a staggering 2,172,600 one-to-one human dynamics are generated.
In the UK, Hagan has captivated TV audiences on some of the nation’s highest-rating daytime shows, using his unique method to surprise some of the country’s best-loved stars and their audiences.
For reading enquiries: hagan@johnnoel.com