Words by Emma Lucy Knowles
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Try this video as a simple way to focus your mind through meditation
Feeling like life is a bit out of control? Are you finding it hard to stay positive and upbeat in these challenging times? Or do you have so much going on you almost feel you are drunk on life.
Meditation is often cited as a brilliant way to help you stay grounded and focused.
WYLDE MOON asked spiritual and energy advisor Emma Lucy Knowles for her advice and a video to help channel and control a positive and in-control frame of mind.
She told us:
“There are moments in life where actions speak louder than words, so I have recorded this guided healing meditation to align the mind with the vibration of uplifting energy. Create a space where you can send out a powerful positive intention to yourself, to those you love and the world around you.
Energy is powerful and while we need to spend it wisely, we must not be stringent with it. The flow of your energy is about focusing it into channels that feel good to you and for the greater good, not always for the right here, right now.
Lean into this practice of the Energetic Power of Meditative Intention when you feel ready to plug in, or when you feel drunk on life and need to root that excitement, hope and joy into the present.”
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Emma Lucy Knowles
Clairvoyant, Healer, Reader, Teacher, Translator, Author and Coach