Adele, Katy Perry, Emma Watson and Gwen Stefani have all credited Saturn Return with a major shake-up in their lives. Discover what it can mean for you as WYLDE MOON astrologer Hagan Fox explains all.
I know my star sign, but what’s my moon sign?
Most of you will know what star-sign you are but, what you might not know is that there is a second part to your astrological identity – your moon sign, and this represents the inner you, the part of you which is hidden away from view and often responsible for your emotional responses.
Pluto is finally moving into Aquarius, and it’s a big deal for everybody
In January 2024, Pluto will transition into Aquarius and with its move, bring huge transformations for everybody – so buckle up, but don’t be scared.
Astro Alert: Five planets in retrograde and the Sun is soon to be in Libra – this is what it means for you…
Is life feeling a trifle chaotic? Are you struggling to make progress? It’s all going on in the skies at the moment.
The month’s Blue Moon will give us all a second chance to get things right
We only get a Blue Moon once every couple of years – but one is on its way and after a tumultuous 2023 it could signal pretty powerful change, as writer Katy Moon discovers.
Uranus is going retrograde meaning a mega wake-up call for all of us
Now is the time to embrace change. Uranus is in retrograde for five powerful months from August 29th 2023 – January 27th 2024. WYLDE MOON astrologer Hagan Fox explains what it will mean for all our star signs.
Big change is coming! Venus is about to retrograde, shaking everything up
Hold on to your hats – for a month from July 22nd we are in for a rollercoaster of a time. WYLDE MOON astrologer Hagan Fox gives us the lowdown.
Astrology alert: Mercury re-entering Cancer will light a fire under all communication
About once every nine months Mercury enters Cancer and can cause emotional chaos with how we communicate with each other, whatever your star sign. Hagan Fox explains how to make it work for you.
Cosmic Alert: This rare astrological event could change your luck!
Jupiter moves into Taurus (for the first time in 12 years) on May 16th 2023…and it simply bestows good tidings across the board. Here’s what it means for you.
Cosmic alert: Is Venus set to boost your finances and love life over the next three weeks?
Venus has entered Gemini and for the next three weeks it is going to have a big impact on affairs of the heart and the bank balance.
WARNING: We’re about to experience the biggest astrological event of the year
The Aries new moon will influence all our lives and boost our energies, But it be careful it could get you into trouble. Wylde Moon astrologer Hagan Fox explains why.
How the Pisces New Moon will help you make positive life changes
WYLDE MOON astrologer Hagan Fox explains why now is the perfect time to work out what you want and then commit to making it happen.
What actually happens when planets are in retrograde, and why is it so chaotic?
But what on earth (‘scuse the pun) does that actually mean for us? Why does the mention of a planet in retrograde spark fear amongst zodiac lovers and non-believers alike?!
WYLDE MOON’s Horoscope Heroes – are you a lucky sign this month?
Every month, between the 20th-23rd the mini deck of cards that hold the 12 Star Signs gets shuffled. We asked our WYLDE MOON astrology guru, Hagan Fox, to create a table that allows us to understand which star signs are brimming with good fortune over the next 30 days and which signs are facing a trickier times and need to hang on in there.
Saturn is finally coming out of retrograde and things are about to get better
The bad boy of astrology has finished playing dirty and will be bringing calm, at last.
Libra New Moon
Six star signs should take advantage of the New Moon on the 26th of September and all the exciting energy that comes from it. It is good times for Gemini, Aquarius, Taurus and Pisces, Sagittarius and Leo.
Leo New Moon
I’m very excited to be joining WYLDE MOON and looking at the skies the timing could not be better. A most beneficial New Moon in Leo enters all our lives on the 28th of July at 19.54, so I think it’s appropriate we start our journey together here.
Virgo New Moon
The Virgo New Moon is fragile, vulnerable and in need of a little recuperation…and that’s the message…Wellness, Zendom, self love and giving your mind body and soul a breather…This Virgo New Moon is literally hollering at each and every one us…HEY WORLD, could I ask you kindly to…you know…RELAX!