The best healing crystals for every need you might have

16 Oct, 2024 | WYLDE Crystals

Words by Emma Lucy Knowles

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Looking for something extra in your life to help you focus, achieve your goals or make change?

Emma Lucy guides on which crystals can help you get there.

For where to buy your crystals, look at local stores and online. Although many online stores are cheaper, there’s nothing like seeing which one catches your eye in person, and the feeling you get from holding it in your hand. You can also try closing your eyes whilst you hover your hand over a selection of crystals to see which one you are most intuitively drawn to. There can be problems with ethical supply chains so where you can, ask the supplier how they source them.

  Letting Go – Aventurine

A beautiful heart-led crystal. She is punchy and powerful. She can help with letting go – it doesnt have to be full of sadness, fight, and goodbyes. Hold Aventurine as you lie under a window and she works with you to bring fresh air into your life and helps you mentally throw your toys – constructively – out of your internal pram!

  Energy Boost – Carnelian

Feeling busy in mind, body and spirit?  Bring in a strong flame to fuel your fire and that comes in the form of one of my absolute hero pieces, Carnelian. I always say that Carnelians vibe is like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh – bouncy, bouncy, bouncy – the coffee hit you didnt know you needed in the morning. Carnelian brings a natural high and vitality, firing up without burning out. Enjoy it!

  Find Your Calm – Rose Quartz

Looking for authenticity, nurturing the self and a calm after the storm? Is now a time to re-gather, re-group and re-align your direction in a loving and nurturing way? Meet the queen of all our hearts – Rose Quartz. It will help you connect deeper with who you are.

  Find Your Voice – Blue Calcite

Remember, remember, remember who you are before all the noise and allow others to see the real you. Place Blue Calcite in your hand and speak up. It doesnt have to be scary, or aggressive – you can determine the tone.

  A Big Warm Hug – Jade

If you feel you’ve been on quite an adventure lately, there  may be anervousness in your energies. Gather your wisdom, enhance your luck, your core connections and commitments with heart-warming Jade. She’s got you, and you have got this.

  Find Fresh Energy – Smoky Quartz & Black Tourmaline

Smoky Quartz

Black Tourmaline

Looking for help with tidy-up time – in self, in structure, at work, in friendships and relationships. Its a time to look with clarity at all that suits and serves you. Let Smokey Quartz and Black Tourmaline be the Mrs Hinch of the crystal realm. Let them help clear out any remnant of energetical dust or lingering connections. Say goodbye to any stubborn beliefs clogging up your system. Look forward with fresh energy. Lets get to it.

  Embrace Your Future – Moonstone

Sketch out your future… and I mean literally! Draw it, write it, get the fuzzy felt out if you must, but work with life, with spirit and most importantly, the moon. This is why moonstone is our angel. She sings to the feminine and sings from the moon. (We all have feminine and masculine energies in our being regardless of gender.)  Let her amplify your craft, even if you are not sure what that is yet, then let the moon reflect its beauty.

  Letting Go – Kyanite

Do you have the desire to surrender what no longer serves you? Kyanite is a go to crystal for this. Not only does she draw away negative vibes, the magical cherry on topis that she doesnt hold that negative energy, but dispels it on touch. Allow her to gate-keep your energy flow, so you can move on with comfort, confidence and ease.

  Change With Confidence – Optical Calcite

To amplify all we that you have achieved and all that you want to become this helps with almighty, steadfast change!

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Emma Lucy Knowles

Clairvoyant, Healer, Reader, Teacher, Translator, Author and Coach

Just remember crystals are complementary, not a replacement for any medical treatment you may be receiving. If in doubt speak to your medical adviser.

Whilst WYLDE MOON consults with experts, no advice should replace that of your registered doctor. As such, the information we publish is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your qualified healthcare provider for any medical conditions, and never disregard professional medical advice because of information you have read from WYLDE MOON.

By participating in programs such as the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program WYLDE MOON may make affiliate revenue if you buy a recommended product, but we only recommend the absolute best in the eyes of our experts.

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